Don't Directly Serialize Your Classes To JSON or XML
As a way to get the ball rolling, consider this assertion:
If you have a need to produce or consume data at the edge of a system and you
cannot switch select between JSON and XML formats, or be
able to implement a new format converter in less than 1 day that can be
immediately leveraged by the existing footprint, then you have not
properly designed your externalization strategy.
Web services, AJAX backends, file vending and receipt, messaging, and many
other use cases call for the creation and consumption of structured data,
i.e. data with rich shape and not necessarily a flat collection of scalar
values. There are many tools and techniques (like JAXB) in practically
every popular language to somehow go from a JSON or XML document to a
hydrated object. Yet every day, new tools and techniques (for example,
those using Java annotations to drive externalization behavior) arrive on
the scene and we constantly seem to spend more time than we wish in this
area of development.
The challenges aren't in the tools. "Edge conversion"
of content continues to be a time-drain for these reasons:
- There is only one, single compile-time version of code
but there could be many externalized forms.
It's not the simple,
strict-rules conversions
that cause the trouble; it's when the rules have to be broken to
accommodate special object transformation and/or encodings, consumer
demands, representations that combine other objects and potentially
dynamic value generation logic, and other variations.
Simply put, you cannot closely couple the object with forms of externalization.
If you do, the first conversion pathway (from object to a particular
output shape in a particular format) might be easy to produce, but
as you add more, you quickly run into these problems:
- Assuming decoration through annotations (or similar features in
languages other than Java), the externalization logic gets complex
as version of externalization format now has to be carried in
the annotation, and it is unclear if technically more than one of
such annotations can exist in one runtime environment.
- Different tools available for "quick and easy" externalization
(e.g. Jackson's POJO) have different target type and
definition/declaration semantics. Proper design of get/set methods,
null field handling, parent/child containering, and static initialization
issues may be mutually exclusive across tools.
- The unbounded set of tools to externalize the class will drag in
a plethora of dependencies. Assuming for the moment that none of these
clash with either other externalization tools or core dependencies of
the object itself, they still introduce a heavy dependency profile
to what could otherwise be a simple class.
- The expanded compile-time dependency and complexity significantly
increases the test & deploy cycle for no change in the
basic, internal function of the class.
- Objects and most languages have strong definitions of types, names,
and values but externalized forms have different interpretations of
these or sometimes lack them altogether.
Objects have methods and state and there is no
guarantee of one-to-one correspondence between a method and an underlying
private piece of data.
JSON has names and values but a limited type system; in particular, since
it has no record definitions (schema), this means that to properly round-trip
data to JSON back to data again, something has to know somewhere that a
collection should be bound to a particular language-specific type.
XML is simply a pile of nested tags and no intrinsic definition of type,
name, or value. All semantics
for the consumption of the tags as structure are implied and realized by
a particular implementation of parsing/processing software. The XML
specification says nothing about name and value, only the rules on what
characters can be used in tags.
In particular, because XML does not natively
understand the concept of a collection, the distinction between name
and type gets very distorted and in kind, so does conversion to- and
from-object representation. Consider this simple XML data:
Now, let's add a hobby:
How about ANOTHER hobby? We have two choices. The first is unfriendly XML:
It is unfriendly because until the second hobby is set up, a consumer does
not know if hobby is modeled to be an entity occuring 0 or 1 times.
The second choice is friendly XML where it is made structurally clear that
hobby can occur more than once:
<!-- does not matter if "cars" is present or not.
We "know" that there can be more than 1 hobby
This is clearer, yes, but now look what happens:
- What is the relationship between hobbies and hobby
other than the fact that we used the plural form to "wrap" the instances
of hobby?
Fact is, there is none. We could have wrapped
the hobby collection with grimblepritz; it is just
a piece of text. How do we really know that hobbies
is a collection of hobby?
- When converting this XML into an object, which field is driving the
show, i.e. is this a collection of hobby or a list hobbies?
What ends up happening is the contained element (in this case hobby)
takes on a blended, implicit role of both name and type. It is a name
because it is used as a key to find it's value but it is also a type in
the context of wrapper that implies it lives in a collection.
- JSON and XML have very different
handling of collections, and a single environment for creating/consuming
these two formats from a common set of objects is difficult.
- XML complicates the issue by supporting attributes which are not
in the same namespace as nested elements. This means the following
XML is perfectly legal:
<data type="mineral">
and there is no default way to represent both type datums in
a single JSON structure, although one could do somthing like this:
"@type": "mineral",
"type": "vegetable"
- JSON has no "enclosingTag" but in XML it is required. For example:.
The JSON above will parse into (typically) a Map, e.g.:
Map m = parseJSON(stream);
String s = (String) m.get("msg"); // s = "hello"
But in XML, an equivalent structure would be:
Parsing this XML introduces an extra level into hierarchy.
The Solution
The solution I have found that offers
the greatest flexibility and Day 2 creation of both new externalized
shapes and format converters (e.g. adding an Avro converter as a
"peer" in the toolkit to the XML and JSON converters) is to create a three-level chain for conversions: bespoke objects,
Maps, and Map-to-format/format-to-Map converters. We will use
Java as the example but the concept extends to any language. Even languages
that have more in the way of runtime features and flexibility (perl, python,
lisp, etc.) benefit from the three-level approach if for no other reason
than a simplified and lower-risk test and release process. Also, for
now, we will set aside the mechanics of web services, http,
security and entitlements, REST v. SOAP, etc., and focus on the business of
turning an object into an externalizable form.
The Bespoke Objects
Let's create a non-trivial class, acknowledging that on Day 2
your information and object design is not just a simple class with 3 get/set
of Strings. If your classes are generally characterized as simple get/set
of {strings,int,double,date}, you may
have a different design problem altogether and likely your software design
model has been overly influenced by an RDBMS persistor.
package com.whatever.bespoke;
public class MyClass {
private List<Transitions> tlist;
private Actor actor;
private Map<String,Money> paymentThreshold;
// ... various high-value methods
is a regular, simple, plain object. No annotations.
No special marker classes. No concerns about reflection. No special frameworks
or dependencies.
The object is, for once, simply allowed to do
exactly what it needs to do as an object without being distorted by
requirements for externalization.
The Map
The Map layer is the bridge to object data
(de)serialization. Maps are perfectly capable of carrying strings, ints,
doubles, dates, and other objects (notably BigDecimal) as well as nested Maps
and Lists. Thus, they are well-suited to carry the data of a bespoke
object in a form
"just before it is stringified."
Because there can be many external representations of MyClass, the to-
and from-Map conversion (the "mapper") does not live in MyClass but rather in one
or more utility classes that are segregated based on physical dependency,
performance, security, and other dimensions. For our example here, we
will examine only MyClass2Shape1. understanding that many other
shapes of Maps could be constructed by the package housing
MyClass2Shape1 or any other package.
package com.whatever.maputils;
import com.whatever.bespoke.MyClass;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class MyClass2Shape1 {
public static Map toMap(MyClass c) {
Map m = new HashMap();
List l = new ArrayList();
for(Transition t : c.getTransitions()) {
m.put("transitions", l);
Map m2 = new HashMap();
for(Map.Entry me : c.getPaymentThreshold()) {
m2.put(me.getKey(), MoneyMapUtils.toMap(me.getValue()));
m.put("thresholds", m2);
// ...
Important things to note:
- MyClass2Shape1 is in the maputils package, NOT
in the bespoke package
- MyClass2Shape1 contains only static methods
to do conversions
- Some of the other bespoke objects like Transition have ther own
mapping utilities (TransitionMapUtils, MoneyMapUtils) that can be
used to piece-wise contruct an outbound Map shape
- The Map may only contain those types that can be reasonably converted
to a target externalizable format. String, Date, Integer, Long, and
BigDecimal figure prominently here (plus Map and List). It largely
becomes a Map of scalars for which toString() is very well defined.
- The to/fromMap functionality depends only on the bespoke objects and basic
Map and List functionality which is clearly available in Java and pretty
much any other language. No third party dependencies or special code
of any kind is required here; it's only about understanding what a
pre-stringified representation of the object might look like.
- Development of a mapper is admittedly tedious but straightforward.
The good news is incremental additions to the mapper are very easy because
there is likely already an existing snippet that can be copied and modified.
The Converters
By the time the pipeline gets to the converters, the job is relatively easy.
The Map is passed to the third tier which draws upon any amount of third
party libs (including zero) to actually render the Map to a stream in the
desired format. The converters are shape neutral; thus, there is only
one converter required to- and from-Maps for each format
package com.whatever.jsonutils;
public class JSONUtils {
public static void writeJSON(Map m, OutputStream os) {
// whatever implementation is required
public static Map parseJSON(InputStream is) {
// ...
package com.whatever.xmlutils;
public class XMLUtils {
public static void writeXML(Map m, OutputStream os) {
// whatever implementation is required
public static Map parseXML(InputStream is) {
// ...
Important things to note:
- The converters live in package namespaces discrete from the
the Map layer. This is important to prevent any third party
physical dependency from creeping into the otherwise technology-neutral
middle tier.
- As with the Map utils, the output converters are static functions
that take in a stream and produce a Map or take a Map and write it to
a stream.
The Consequences
- At a high level, the dependency/variability spectrum is polarized so
that the bespoke objects and converter levels are relatively
UNchanging, and
the Map layer is as extendible as necessary. There is "no limit" to the
number of MyClass2ShapeN variations that can be crafted. Remember,
it is not unreasonable to have more than version of XML or JSON in
production to satisfy consumers -- but there is only one version of the
production software!
| Layer |
| Bespoke | Map | Converters |
Depends On |
Nothing except other bespoke objects |
- Bespoke objects
- Basic scalar types, Map, and List
- Basic scalar types, Map, and List
- Third-party libs for parsing and/or emission, if necessary
Changes |
Only when methods critical to the business function of the object are added/modified |
As often as necessary to create new shapes of externalizable data |
Rarely after the first set of converters formatters is created |
Variations |
None |
As many as necessary to create new shapes of externalizable data |
Few |
- Adding a new converter is immediately leveragable to converting many
existing Map shapes. Making the Map the externalized data
form keeps the complexity to O(N) where N is the number of
converters instead of O(N2) (recoding the formatter for
each bespoke type).
- Objects organize their internal data on a single axis; that
is, there is a single namespace of data within the object (sidestepping
composition of other classes for the moment). Specifically, objects do not
have a data section separate from an attributes section. So, when the
MyClass2ShapeN mapper is run, it yields a very straightforward
Map, also with a single axis. And since the XML converter is merely
walking the Map, you end up with very friendly XML. There are no
attributes and all data is structured in exactly the same way.
Some might balk at the idea of XML with no attributes but if you're
serious about consistent and straightforward deserializtion into a Map,
it quickly becomes clear that attributes only get in your way.
- Clearly, lists of data do not exist in software in a form similar to the
unfriendly XML form described earlier. You cannot have two items named
hobby in the same key-value collection.
A reasonable strategy for list
emission in the XML converter is to take the name of the list,
append _LIST
to it, and use the result as the wrapper tag. For example, given this:
Map m1 = new HashMap();
we will end up with a main map m1 that has a name things
which references a List. Note that the elements of the List are Maps
and are essentially untyped and unnamed; they are just integer offsets. Just
for grins, here's what the JSON generator would emit:
"things": [
{ "name": "value1" },
{ "name": "value2" }
JSON exactly follows the in-memory Map represention. XML isn't so lucky,
but using the strategy described above, an XML converter would emit:
The same converter module could also be sensitive to _LIST when
asked to parse XML and upon detecting it, would "promote" the resulting
List into the parent map and then remove the _LIST
element. So instead of this:
Map m1 = result.get("someEnclosingTag");
Map m2 = m1.get("things_LIST"); // m2 is a "wasted step"
List l2 = m2.get("things");
we would have:
Map m1 = result.get("someEnclosingTag");
// things_LIST has been removed
List l2 = m1.get("things"); // ah! things is now in parent (m1); no wasted step
Of course, we probably wouldn't hard code _LIST in the handler
but instead would code a "list strategy" class and pass that in,
something akin to this:
public class MyXMLListStrategy implements XMLListStrategy {
public void produceList(Context ctx) {
// Upon production of list, candidate wrapperName
// is the name of the item in the Map, in the example
// above, "things"
ctx.wrapperName = ctx.wrapperName + "_LIST";
ctx.containedName = ctx.wrapperName;
public void consumeList(Context ctx) {
int zn = ctx.wrapperName.indexOf("_LIST");
if(zn > 0) {
// Shorten the wrapper name:
ctx.wrapperName = ctx.wrapperName.substring(0, zn);
ctx.collectNestedElements = true;
} // else not one of our constructs; consume it unchanged
// In use:
XMLUtils.writeXML(out, map, "nameOfEnclosingTag", new MyXMLListStrategy());
In the example above, the list strategy is "Map-centric" in that the
emitted XML is named with a bias toward the Map structure. Some consumers
might want something more "XML-centric" where the wrapper tag has a more
familiar plural or similar feel to it and the contained items are named
so as to represent a single item:
// This turns:
// people: [ "A", "B" ]
// into the familiar:
// <people>
// <person>A</person>
// <person>B</person>
// </people>
public class MyXMLListStrategy implements XMLListStrategy {
public void produceList(Context ctx) {
if(ctx.wrapperName.equals("people")) {
// wrapper remains people; instead we change the contained name
ctx.containedName = "person";
public void consumeList(Context ctx) {
if(ctx.wrapperName.equals("people")) {
// wrapper remains people; instruct the engine to collect
ctx.collectNestedElements = true;
In general, the XML list strategy logic for emission takes a list name and
returns two things: a) the name to use for the list b) the
name to use for each of the contained items. The logic for list parsing
takes a list name and returns the new name to use for the list into which
all the contained items will be collected.
- It is acceptable for the map created from a bespoke object to have
different (and probably richer) types than a map hydrated from XML or JSON or
other format. For example, a mapper might take a date in a bespoke object
and place it in a Map as a Date, but after conversion to JSON and
round-tripping to a new Map, the date will be carried as a String (mainly because
JSON does not have a Date type).
The reason this is not a
showstopper is that the mapper class knows that the target field in the
bespoke class
is a Date, so if not presented with a Date, it can do whatever it needs to
try to construct a Date from the input material. In essentially all cases,
some form of a String can be used to round-trip a richer type (Date,
BigDecimal, etc.) for a particular conversion.
Note that both JSON and XML have schema facilities that live outside the
core definition of the formats. JSON has json-schema (see and XML has many
mature options including XSD. More sophisticated mappers and converters can
make use of these facilities as desired, and when used, proper and consistent
types can be generated on "both sides" of the process.
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