29-Dec-2021 | Like this? Dislike this? Let me know |
A popular data design for outcomes of games might look like this, leaving out game-specific details and showing just 2 players:
{"pid":"P1", "gid": 1, "date": new ISODate("2021-12-18"), "outcome":"WIN"} {"pid":"P1", "gid": 2, "date": new ISODate("2021-12-19"), "outcome":"WIN"} {"pid":"P1", "gid": 3, "date": new ISODate("2021-12-20"), "outcome":"LOSE"} {"pid":"P1", "gid": 4, "date": new ISODate("2021-12-20"), "outcome":"TIE"} {"pid":"P2", "gid": 5, "date": new ISODate("2021-12-20"), "outcome":"LOSE"} {"pid":"P2", "gid": 6, "date": new ISODate("2021-12-20"), "outcome":"LOSE"} {"pid":"P1", "gid": 7, "date": new ISODate("2021-12-21"), "outcome":"WIN"}
{$group: {_id: "$pid", wins: {$sum: {$cond:{if:{$eq:["$outcome","WIN"]},then: 1, else: 0}}}, loses: {$sum: {$cond:{if:{$eq:["$outcome","LOSE"]},then: 1, else: 0}}} }}
current = 0 max = 0 for each game in array of games: if game is a win: current = current + 1 if current > max: max = current else: # not a win, so cannot be consecutive so reset to zero current = 0
{$reduce: {input:[1,3,4,5], initialValue:0, // The purpose of "in" is to "return" a new single value that will be // assigned to $$value for the next go around: in: {$add:["$$value","$$this"]} }}
# Notice the initial value is not 0; it is a doc with qq = 0 {$reduce: {input:[{qq:1},{qq:3},{qq:4},{qq:5}], initialValue:{qq:0}, # "in" must now return a new single object with qq set to a new value: in: {qq: {$add:["$$value.qq","$$this.qq"]}} }}
db.foo.aggregate([ // Filter for anything or nothing here. // BEWARE of filtering for nothing because that will drag the ENTIRE // DB out... {$match: {pid: 0}}, // With $sort, you get the start of the MOST RECENT streak where a higher // gid implicitly means more recent. You could sort by gameDate or similar // too for same effect. // Comment this out to get the end of the EARLIEST streak. {$sort: {gid: -1}} // Construct array of data for $reduce. Note the objects we $push have // both "working variables" (gid and s, which are the actual data) and // our "state variables" (max and curr) ,{$group: {_id: "$pid", outcomes: {$push: {gid: "$gid", s: "$outcome", max:0, curr:0 }} }} ,{$project: { // Easy: Get total won and lost by simple filter on field 's': won: {$size: {$filter: {input: "$outcomes", as: "zz", cond: {$eq: ["$$zz.s","WIN"]}} }}, lost: {$size: {$filter: {input: "$outcomes", as: "zz", cond: {$eq: ["$$zz.s","LOSE"]}} }}, // This is the MQL implementation of the pseudocode above. // Also note that although s (the outcome status) is NOT necessary // to pass back in the output of in, the game id, max, and curr must // always be passed back, even if the value has not changed! winStreak: {$reduce: { input: "$outcomes", initialValue: {gid:0,max:0,curr:0}, in: {$cond: { if: {$eq:["$$this.s","WIN"]}, then: {$cond: { if: {$eq:["$$value.max","$$value.curr"]}, then: {gid: "$$this.gid", max: {$add:["$$value.max",1]}, curr: {$add:["$$value.curr",1]}}, else: {gid:"$$value.gid", max: "$$value.max", curr: {$add:["$$value.curr",1]}} }}, else: {gid:"$$value.gid", max:"$$value.max", curr:0} }} }}, loseStreak: {$reduce: { input: "$outcomes", initialValue: {gid:0,max:0,curr:0}, in: {$cond: { if: {$eq:["$$this.s","LOSE"]}, then: {$cond: { if: {$eq:["$$value.max","$$value.curr"]}, then: {gid: "$$this.gid", max: {$add:["$$value.max",1]}, curr: {$add:["$$value.curr",1]}}, else: {gid:"$$value.gid", max: "$$value.max", curr: {$add:["$$value.curr",1]}} }}, else: {gid:"$$value.gid", max:"$$value.max", curr:0} }} }} }} // Who had best streak? Get the top 3: ,{$sort: {"winStreak.max":-1}} ,{$limit: 3} ], {allowDiskUse:true}); // You will very likely need allowDiskUse if trying to analyze // 1000s of pids with 1000s of games. { "_id" : 378, "won" : 516, "lost" : 239, "winStreak" : { "gid" : 378695, "max" : 21, "curr" : 0 }, "loseStreak" : { "gid" : 378784, "max" : 4, "curr" : 0 } } { "_id" : 844, "won" : 497, "lost" : 244, "winStreak" : { "gid" : 844367, "max" : 20, "curr" : 0 }, "loseStreak" : { "gid" : 844263, "max" : 6, "curr" : 0 } } { "_id" : 306, "won" : 507, "lost" : 242, "winStreak" : { "gid" : 306350, "max" : 18, "curr" : 5 }, "loseStreak" : { "gid" : 306869, "max" : 5, "curr" : 0 } } found 3
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